Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday snuck up on me. Did anybody else cry during this movie? I still haven't watched it a second time because, even though I knew what was coming, I was devastated. It wasn't a pretty sight. Me or him.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Rinda Elliott said...

Never watched it again for the same reasons. In fact, I bought the soundtrack before and loved it. Couldn't even listen to that after the movie.

Did you know that quite a few of the men who backed Marshal up were from the Elliott clan? (g)

I'm putting together a post about the history of my husband's family. Will blog about it, too.

I've been trying to find you an Elliott man in a kilt but no luck yet. Just the kilt.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Dana Pollard said...

I've only seen parts.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Mike Mazzo said...

I hadn't made the connection with your name. Have you ever considered taking a trip to Scotland? That would be the first place on my list of places to go.

I haven't traveled out of the country since my father was stationed in Germany. We came back to the states when I was four, so I remember very little. I got away from my parents when we visited the Berlin wall and ran right up to the barbed wire. My sister tells how scared they were, but I don't remember anything about it.

I'll look forward to hearing more. And seeing more. *grin* My maternal grandparents were Irish. Granddaddy was Black Irish. I know very little about them, and plan to research someday.

Chrystal ... I love Mel. I think my favorite Mel movie would be Conspiracy Theory, but I also loved Tequila Sunrise. I've been watching the man for thirty years.

Dana, that's what you see at the end of the movie. Parts.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Kris said...

I cry every time I watch that movie. My friend has never seen it before so I am making her watch it this week.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger The Pink Spyder said...

You might not have been a pretty sight, darling, but that yummy pic of Mel certainly is...he's the only one I would dump my luscious Freiderick for...

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Rinda Elliott said...

Oh, I'd love to go to Scotland. I do have a video and book about the Elliott Clan. I plan to get my husband a kilt soon...

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Mike Mazzo said...

Then all you'd have to do is get your husband to pose for the camera and we'd have a Tuesday Kilt Guy. No? Shucks.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Mike Mazzo said...

I've never met a spider (spyder) with a crush on Mel before. Not that I've ever thought to ask.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Rinda Elliott said...

Sure. If he would. Yeah. That'll happen. (g)

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Mike Mazzo said...

I sure if you explain to him the contribution he'd be making to ... uh, society he'd jump at the opportunity.

At 5:25 AM, Blogger Kristen Painter said...


The cakes look good, too. ;o)

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Rinda Elliott said...

OMG, I said Marshal. Who the heck is that? I meant Wallace. Wallace.

Yes, I'm am the master of history.


At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site » » »


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